The NGDO of the Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto (CEAUP) has been accredited by the Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento (IPAD) since 2009 and has been part of the Platform of Portuguese NGDOs since 2010.

It arose from the will of the CEAUP researchers, working in places like Bissau, Nairobi, Morocco, Mauritania, Mozambique and São Tomé, to combine research on Africa with specific actions of cooperation for development.

Therefore, CEAUP’s  NGDO takes inspiration in the CEAUP’s research experience in a number of areas and aim at understanding where, how and with which local partners to take action.

On the basis of the respect for the different sensitivities and worldviews, and having into account the thorough knowledge of the means, needs, and potentialities of each African nation, this NGDO commits itself mainly to raise resources and to develop skills that will allow the local populations a raising autonomy and better living conditions.

Research studies  on development, eco-development,  education in Africa and the management of  agricultural and water resources are some of the acting lines of CEAUP.  Our NGDO seeks to capitalize this research in order  to improve the impact of the Portuguese cooperation.     

CEAUP positions itself, in the fields of Cooperation for Development and Education for Development, as an NGDO that, in association with other ONGS, provides scientific and technical support to the development of projects. With this guideline we seek to improve the quality of the diagnostic, the implementation and the assessment of the projects developed by the Portuguese cooperation.

Main aims and services provided by our CEAUP NGDO:

  • Technical and scientific support to the cooperation projects on the different CEAUP fields of research.
  • Diagnostic for the design of projects in the area of cooperation for development.
  • Design of projects in the area of cooperation for development, in association with other organizations working in the third sector.
  • Assessment of projects in the area of cooperation for development.
  • Development of of projects in the area of cooperation for development.
  • Design of training courses customized for expats from NGOs or from the private sector.
  • Volunteer training.
  • Customized consulting and training in the fields of management, finance and marketing of non-profit organizations.
  • Design of social marketing actions.
  • Consulting on the implementation of projects by Portuguese companies in Africa.

R&D Supported by

R&D Unit integrated in the project number UIDB/00495/2020 (DOI 10.54499/UIDB/00495/2020) and UIDP/00495/2020.



Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto
Via panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto

+351 22 607 71 41