Education, Development and Global Citizenship

1. Education,  Development and Global Citizenship

This workgroup focus on education and development within the Global South with a particular focus on Portuguese Speaking Countries in Africa. Our aim is to contribute to national and international debates about policies, practice and global relations through research within the framework and implications of the 2030 Agenda for Development for teaching, research and intervention. Within SDG 4, it also investigates issues related to Global Citizenship Education in Europe and how other non-Western concepts and practices have been influential in this area. 
The group intends to make contributions to define a research agenda which addresses relevant issues within the current debate on educational international policies and global citizenship. The four core themes are:

1.1.  Global education policy transfers and international development cooperation
The rationale of this research theme is to address issues related to Global education transfer within external assistance processes with a particular focus on Lusophone settings (North-South, South-South cooperation). It will also address imbalances in donor-recipient relationships, particularly in small states and fragile contexts. Of particular relevance for this theme are issues related to the role of civil society and the Right to Education and of privatization and education provision in differentiated settings.

1.2. Conflict sensitive education and Peacebuilding
This research theme explores the relationship between education, conflict and fragility and the role that education systems play in building peace and reconciliation.  Research will be in contexts which were affected by conflict either in African Lusophone settings and other post-conflict  contexts. It will also investigates how conflict sensitive education approaches has been integrated and adopted in fragile and conflict affected contexts as a dimension of education reforms.

1.3. Teacher education, Curriculum and endogenous knowledge
Research in this theme explores issues related to teacher education and teacher professional development within the influence of external assistance in specific Lusophone contexts.  This theme also seeks greater understanding on the appropriateness of aid interventions in teacher education (ex. language and Science teachers in Lusophone Africa) and how models align with education systems and social and cultural contexts given the current challenges for quality and equity education within SDG 4.


1.4. Development Education and Global Citizenship Education
This theme will work to understand, reflect and debate the complexity of the world we are living in and of the role we – as individuals and collectively – can play to transform the world into a fairer and sustainable place for all. Other visions and other voices will be included from Africa and Latin America. This research theme is organized around the project Development Education Synergies: strengthening the link between research and action in DE in Portugal, which was thought to address a specific need in Portugal - the lack of research in Development Education and Global Citizenship Education (DE/GCE). It also aims to bring together two different worlds: Academia and Civil Society around DE/GCE issues.

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Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto
Via panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto

+351 22 607 71 41