Roland Afungang

Nome: Roland Ngwatung Afungang

Nacionalidade: Camarões

E-mail: afungang (arroba)


Graus Académicos (último): Doutorado

Ano de conclusão do grau académico (último): 2015

Vínculo Profissional: Universidade de Yaounde 1 Camarões


% de afetação à Unidade I&D: 0.80

Principal área científica no âmbito do CEAUP: Sytema de Informacão Geografica (GIS) e Cartografía

Outras áreas científicas: Geografia Fisica e Risco Natural

Projetos em curso no âmbito do CEAUP:

Principais publicações:

  • Afungang N, Bateira C, Nkwemoh C. (2017) Assessing the spatial probability of landslides using GIS and informative value model in the Bamenda highlands. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (AJGS), DOI: 10.1007/s12517-017-3155-1
  • Afungang R, Nkwemoh C, Ngoufo R. (2017) Statistically based assessment of landslide susceptibility along the Bamenda escarpment zone in the North-West region of Cameroon. International Journal Of Innovative Research & Development, DOI: 10.24940/ijird/2017/v6/i12/DEC17076
  • Nkwemoh C, Tchindjang M, Afungang RN. (2017) The Impact of Urbanization on the Vegetation of Yaoundé, (Cameroon). International Journal of Innovative Research and Development (ijird), DOI: 10.24940/ijird/2017/v6/i5
  • Afungang R and Bateira C (2016). Temporal probability analysis of landslides triggered by intense rainfall in the Bamenda Mountain Region, Cameroon. Environmental Earth Sciences journal, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5835-7
  • Afungang R and Bateira C (2016) Statistical modelling of extreme rainfall, return periods and associated hazards in the Bamenda Mountains, NW Cameroon. Geography and Spatial Planning Journal (GOT) 9: 5-19,
  • Afungang R (2015) Spatiotemporal Probabilistic assessment of landslide hazard along the Bamenda Mountain region of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. PhD thesis, University of Porto. DOI:13140/RG.2.2.16890.39361
  • Afungang N and Roger N (2013) The role of non-timber forest products to communities living in the Northern periphery of the Korup National Park. Journal of Geography and Spatial Planning (GOT), 4: 197-222,
  • Afungang N (2011) Erosion, mass movement and landscape dynamics: The case study of the Mezam Highlands. Masters dissertation, University of Yaoundé 1 - Cameroon.


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