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CEAUP Newsletter July-September 2020

 Already Available CEAUP Newsletter Julhy– September 2020

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1st Conference CEAUP 2020-2021 - A Palestina Hoje

A Palestina Hoje -  Conference with the Ambassador of Palestine Nabil Ahmad Abuznaid

FLUP, Anfitetaro Nobre, October 15th , 4:30 p.m


"Miral" - Comments and debate with the Ambassador

Cooperativa do Povo Portuense, October 15th  9:30 p.m

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Call for Papers

The Journal of US-Africa Studies  is an international, academic and interdisciplinary journal published in Portugal by the Center of African Studies of the University of Porto (CEAUP). 

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Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto
Via panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto

+351 22 607 71 41