Nome: Madalina Elena Florescu
Nacionalidade: Italiana e Romena
E-mail: madalina.elena.florescu (arroba)
Graus Académicos (último): Doutoramento
Ano de conclusão do grau académico (último): 2011
Vínculo Profissional: Pesquisadora associada
% de afetação à Unidade I&D: 1
Principal área científica no âmbito do CEAUP: antropologia
Outras áreas científicas: história, tradução
Projetos em curso no âmbito do CEAUP: história colonial de Angola
Principais publicações:
- 2017 Autobiografias de Angola: algumas considerações acerca de um gênero, Revista Maracanan N. 16, p. 66-84.
- 2016 Book Review: Ruy Llera Blanes, Prophetic trajectories, Berghahn. American Anthropologist.
- 2015 Book Review: Manuel Barcia, The Great African Slave Revolt of 1825: Cuba and the Fight for Freedom in Matanzas. Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 2012, Journal of West African History
- 2014 Book Review: David M. Gordon, Invisible Agents: Spirits in a Central African History, Ohio University Press, 2012, Journal of History and Cultures.
- 2014 Post-abolition Angola in a post-colonial missionary archive: a preliminary contextualization of a photograph from the Spiritans’ Mission in Malange. Northern Angola, 1904, Social Dynamics: a Journal of African Studies 40 (1): 66-84
- 2012 Negotiating Trust in Post-War Luanda: A Case Study of the Ethnographer’s Positioning in the Field, Annuaire Roumain d’Anthropologie 49: 76-94.
- 2012 Book Review : Mamadou Diawara et al eds, Historical Memory in Africa: Dealing with the Past, Reaching for the Future in an Intercultural Context. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, Africa : Journal of the International African Institute 82 (2) : 329-330.
- 2011 Ngola Kiluanji, in H. L. Gates Jr. and E. Akyeampong eds, Dictionary of African Biography. New York : Oxford University Press.
- 2010 Chieftaincy as Religion: a Conjectural Interpretation of the Role of Religion in the Decolonization Process in « Northern Angola », Africana Studia: Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos 15 (2): 53-71.
- 2009 MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola), in I. Ness ed., The International Encyclopaedia of Protest and Resistance from 1500 to the Present, vol. V, Malden, Mass. and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, p. 2430-2431.